Check Notification Here: Territorial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 (19 Vacancies)
Territorial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 :- Syllabus
The written test for Territorial Army officers consists of two examinations with four sections, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge, Elementary Math, and English Language. Below is a description of the entire course syllabus for Territorial Army recruitment 2023 for each section.
| Subject
| Syllabus for Territorial Army Recruitment
Paper 1
| Elementary Mathematics
| Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry, Time and Distance, etc.
| Verbal Classification, Statement, Arguments, Blood Relations, Analytical Reasoning, Puzzles, etc.
Paper 2
| General Knowledge
| Sports, Science & Technology, Current Affairs, Indian Politics, Geography, etc.
English Language
| Antonyms and Synonyms, Sentence Completion, Error Spotting, Reading Comprehension, Active and Passive Voice, etc.
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Given below is the syllabus for Territorial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 exam, topic-wise:
| Topics
Logical Reasoning
| Interpretation Of Data, Logical And Analytical Reasoning, Clocks And Calendars, Verbal Classifications, Statements And Contradictions, Numerical, Letters, And Symbol Series, Relations, and Statements With Conclusions
Elementary Mathematics
| Ratios And Proportions, Average Algebra, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Number System, Geometry, Simple And Compound Interest, Profit And Losses, Time And Distances, HCF And LCM, and Simple Equation
General Knowledge
| Tourism And Travel, Art And Culture, Geography, Indian Politics, Science And Technology, History, Countries And Their Capitals, and Sports Literature
English Language
| Idioms And Phrases, Spell Check, Active Voice and Passive Voice, Editing Prepositions, Omitting, Jumbled Sentences, Synonyms And Antonyms, One-word Substitution, and Vocabulary
Territorial Army Officers Recruitment 2023 :- Exam Pattern
The two papers comprise the Territorial Army exam pattern for 200 marks. Candidates who want the Officer position must concurrently pass both exams. The Territorial Army 2023 exam pattern is provided below for your reference.
| Exam Duration
| Total Marks
| Total Number of Questions
Paper 1
| Logical Reasoning
| 2 Hours
| 50
| 50
Elementary Mathematics
| 50
| 50
Paper 2
| General Knowledge
| 2 Hours
| 50
| 50
English Language
| 50
| 50
| 4 Hours
| 200
| 200
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